Tarot Card Reading January 23rd 2019 Aries

The Tarot is the mirror of our soul. Each card reflects what'southward non only going on within us only also, symbolises our divine connectedness to the forces of the Universe – those which we can see and those which we cannot. The images printed on the cards are symbols that comprise the keys to unravel all the mysteries of our being. Nonetheless, these images have a life of their own, and thus, they change whenever the cards are shuffled. Every shuffle infuses them with magic. Every shuffle infuses us with magic. Merely like the January 2022 horoscope.

Afterward the blessings of Lohri and Sankranthi, the world has taken a cluttered plow. A triple retrograde of Mercury, Venus, and Uranus have disrupted the harmonious patterns of the heavens above. To summit information technology all, the moon turns total in Cancer, unleashing flooding rivers of emotional energy upon the world – that's experiencing lockdowns with Omicron taking over. Even so, in that location is e'er a silver lining – fifty-fifty with the darkest cloud. The stars have beautiful messages for usa this coming week, that accept been lovingly divined through the Tarot, to aid usa find peace and love within these cluttered times.

Read your horoscope for Jan 2022

Aries January 2022 Horoscope

Aries 2022 Horoscope

This week, stand strong and don't back downwards! This is the ideal time to speak your truth without the fear of being persecuted in any manner. Too much time has gone by where y'all've suppressed your voice. At present is the time to unleash. Merely remember, do information technology from a place of honesty and openness, and not from a identify of sheer egotism. Call back, it'due south our own truth, not someone else's. So remember to listen with an open middle as well.

This is also a skilful time to commencement focusing on your purpose. What is it you're doing with your life? Are yous living the life of your dreams? If non, what practice you take to do in club to manifest it? Take your time to ponder the answers to these questions. You'll be surprised at the revelations that come up along. Subsequently all, we're still at the beginning of the year – information technology'south an ideal time to commit to making major changes for the ameliorate.

Taurus Jan 2022 Horoscope

Taurus December 2021

As you're well aware, your ruler, Venus is in retrograde with its mischievous buddy, Mercury. Thus this calendar week can bring about quite a few dramatic turns here and in that location, causing you to feel slight shakes in your usual steadfast gait. All the more reason why it's so essential for you to focus on remaining grounded throughout this week. Not simply will it help go along things at-home, but will preclude you from slipping up in dissimilar means.

The all-time way to do so is to connect with nature. Be it walking barefoot on the grass – especially in the morning when they're still covered in dew – or even spending time in a forest or a big park (wear a mask). If neither is possible, maybe acquiring and disposed to potted house plants. And if that's non possible, then the easiest way is to eat a diet rich in root vegetables. After all, your sign is the earthiest of world signs – nature volition always nourish and protect you.

Gemini January 2022 Horoscope

Gemini horoscope for 2022

Yes, your ruler, Mercury, has gone retrograde again. And this is merely the kickoff fourth dimension they'll be doing it this year. So, start of all, exhale – in that location's no point freaking out about it – especially with omicron spreading about. Secondly, there's a hugger-mugger blessing during the retrograde – peculiarly this week. It's a perfect fourth dimension to cut cords with toxicity – particularly toxic habits and toxic relationships that are clinging to you similar cobwebs!

Even though you low-key dearest the drama that toxicity brings with it, it'southward so important for yous to understand that it's not actually going to uplift you in any way. Sure, in that location are inexpensive thrills with it, but, there's a reason those thrills are 'inexpensive'. Thus, take it upon yourself to permit them go so that you can finally brand room for good and uplifting free energy that empowers you instead of draining you lot. Moving away from drama creates expert karma.

Cancer January 2022 Horoscope

Cancer Horoscope for 2022

Not but are Venus and Mercury in a dizzying retrograde, but the moon is full, and in your sign, Cancer. This week can be quite the emotional roller coaster – especially internally, equally your sensitivity levels may be unusually heightened. Thus, information technology'due south and so important that you lot describe your boundaries clearly and firmly, ensuring that non simply are people enlightened of them but know how to respect them, as well as, your own infinite. This is of import to exercise!

Withal, this is besides a powerful fourth dimension for introspection and self-healing, for y'all'll have the opportunity to rediscover a lost part of yourself. Of course, this requires you to be absolutely honest with yourself, and fearlessly become deep within so as to be illuminated by this revelation. This could too be the key that enables yous to heal old wounds of your center and mend bridges that have been burned. The option to heal is yours.

Leo January 2022 Horoscope

Leo Horoscope for 2022

While the world is experiencing chaos with all the retrogrades and chaotic full moon energy, The Universe wants you lot to know that you are rubber and are protected. There are divine forces standing close by to aid and assistance you in any manner you need. All you take to do is enquire, and they'll exercise their magic, behind the scenes, subtly creating unexpected miracles that aid you out in ways you cannot even imagine.

The best way to experience that is by total and complete surrender. That can be quite a scary thing – complete surrender. Especially when someone similar yous, who not only likes to be in charge simply enjoys getting things done on their ain terms. However, remember of it every bit a divine delegation. For the power to focus on the grander things in life, surrender all other concerns to 'The Universe'. Let the angels take care of all the details while you focus on the 1000 prize – they're more happy to practice so.

Virgo Jan 2022 Horoscope


While the furnishings of Mercury being in retrograde may be quite boundless among other things, it's important for y'all to call up that your efforts and your delivery have been recognised and that yous are appreciated for all that you exercise. Though it may not seem like that on the surface, it'southward of import you know that you lot're indispensable in any and every which way. It's so important for you to know your worth and to honour information technology.

Through the chaos of the retrogrades and the full moon, it'south and so important for yous to trust that you lot are prophylactic and are being looked after past forces that are beyond the ability of our human being eyes. Many of y'all might even option upwards on communication signals from them – commonly in the form of signs, omens, and even the niggling voices in your caput. Pay attention to their messages – it's for your own overall betterment. Trust them! Trust yourself!

Libra Jan 2022 Horoscope


This is a week for you to not only recognise your own ability, but also embrace it, and use information technology when needed. Your ruler, Venus, is retrograde with Mercury, and it forms a powerful trine with Uranus, who is also in retrograde. What does that mean? Well, to put it simply, this means that you have to come with a different game plan to deal with all the situations headed your way. Old means and tricks will non work, specially this week.

This is also a time for you to understand that repeating old patterns and running through sometime cycles, will non really help y'all grow. They'll merely cause y'all to re-live former drama and strengthen former trauma, building up negative karma. It'southward of import for you lot to remember that yous're stronger than all of it. You have the power to overcome information technology all. All you need to do is allow go of the old means of dealing with it, and try something new. It's scary, information technology's risky, just perhaps it may just piece of work out for the best!

Scorpio January 2022 Horoscope

Scorpio horoscopr for 2022

This week, there is an of import lesson that shall be unfolding for you. What that exactly is, shall exist revealed to you at the right fourth dimension. Nevertheless, what's important for you to remember, is that you demand to undoubtedly trust your instincts, your gut, your intuitive intelligence – and practice what y'all experience is correct. Ignoring them, will not only leave the situation messy, but it'll prevent y'all from moving ahead in your personal evolutionary journey.

Trust, especially trust in ourselves, is a very heavy and scary emotion. That'southward why it's so important for you to build trust with your intuitive intelligence, and honour your instincts. That's the spot where you lot not merely receive divine guidance but also where you can connect and be 1 with the divine forces of 'The Universe'. That can only be achieved when yous trust information technology with all your heart and soul, without an ounce of dubiety. Open up your heart, and be amazed by all that's revealed.

Sagittarius January 2022 Horoscope

Sagittarius November 2021 Horoscope

For those of y'all who are actively pursuing a spiritual path or studying annihilation esoteric in nature, this week brings about powerful divine energy portals that volition not only open up your optics – especially the 3rd one – to the magical mysteries of 'The Universe', just powerful downloads of divine wisdom will exist available to you, enabling you to charge full speed alee in your journey of personal and spiritual development. Be set up for it!

For those of you that are sceptical, or prefer leading a more practical life, this is a beautiful time to really start pursuing a spiritual path, or even begin studying an esoteric subject of your choice, for not just volition information technology reveal answers to questions that plague you lot, just also observe a sense of peace and calm that might shock and even intimidate others. It'south important for you to recognise that your thoughts are magnetic and powerful, and are the keys to creating miraculous changes effectually and within you. Believe them!

Capricorn Jan 2022 Horoscope

Capricorn Horoscope for 2022

This week, Capricorn, cull to be the spirit of dear. What does that exactly mean? Well, for starters, would honey crusade incredible levels of self-doubt, self-criticism, and cruel negative reinforcement of yourself? No, information technology wouldn't! So allow's starting time with simply being kind to yourself, and taking it easy. There'due south so much negativity and trauma in the globe – especially with Omicron taking over and creating havoc. Exist gentle with yourself, starting with this week.

At that place's no need to be difficult on yourself. Self-criticism when taken to extremes is a kind of self-impairment – especially when it debilitates united states from experiencing joy in life. If need be, take assist from loved ones, and even qualified professionals. Past improving the human relationship you have with yourself, automatically y'all'll heal and meliorate the relationships you lot've had with others, as well equally, attract loving and uplifting future relationships that volition make full your life with love. So, allow's be gentle with ourselves.

Aquarius January 2022 Horoscope

Aquarius December 2021 Horoscope

This week, let'due south let go of the need to be right. Fifty-fifty if y'all know you're right, while others are beingness incredibly and perhaps even harmfully incorrect – let them be. Information technology's important to pick our battles advisedly considering not everyone will be able to accept and appreciate what we have to offer. They have their own journeying, and their eyes shall be open when it'south the right time for them. We have our ain to focus on, and we don't need their negative free energy to drag us down.

Information technology tin can exist hard at times but understand that irrespective of the nonsense that's existence spewed out by others, nosotros don't demand to requite them the power to rob u.s.a. of our peace of mind. Rather than trying to change their minds, enquire yourself, what does their behaviour trigger inside us? Is there a function of ourselves that we encounter reflected hither? If yes, how do we heal information technology? Answering those questions could be surprisingly illuminating. Also, on a side notation: connect with your mother. Forgive her!

Pisces January 2022 Horoscope

Pisces 2022 Horoscope

While the world quarantines and lockdowns are slammed upon us, this is a week for you to unleash and express your creative gifts – especially those that y'all haven't withal discovered, and those that have been underrated and underappreciated. This is what shall aid you find peace in these chaotic times, likewise as, bring a surprisingly crystal clarity while everyone else is blinded past fearfulness, doubtfulness, and the illusions of their own dismay.

By tapping into your creative spirit, y'all're gaining admission to divine portals, which enable healing to automatically brainstorm the infinitesimal you start expressing that inventiveness. Beyond that, this is an indirect way of spiritual growth, for all creative talents – no matter how deeply buried – are divine gifts from 'The Universe'. Expressing them with love is your gift to 'The Universe'. Thus, this is how you tin can evolve spiritually, too as, heal past karmas, and maintain your sanity during these conflicting times.


Source: https://www.lifestyleasia.com/ind/culture/entertainment/weekly-horoscope-a-tarot-reading-of-january-17-january-23-2022/

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