What Are Suny Cobleskill Upper Level Liberal Arts Sciences Courses

Liberal Arts and Sciences: Full general Studies

This plan is designed for students who intend to pursue a available's degree, only are unsure well-nigh their career and transfer plans. As such, the program aims to develop students' higher-level communication and critical-thinking skills, present a broad understanding of the liberal arts and sciences to heighten global awareness, provide opportunities for the student to develop creative capacities, and to allow for the exploration of education and career options.

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Explore more than career options: A.S. | Liberal Arts and Sciences: General Studies Certificate

Plan Chair

Kelly Wessell


Professor, Biology

Kelly received his Ph.D. in aquatic entomology from Michigan State University. His enquiry interests include bioassassment of big river ecosystems and non-point source pollution of streams, but his passion is didactics. Kelly is the Environmental Studies and Full general Studies Chairperson and regularly teaches environmental, evolution, and biodiversity courses for scientific discipline majors and non-majors.

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Transfer Options

Recent transfer institutions include:

  • University at Albany
  • Buffalo State College
  • Alfred University
  • Arnot-Ogden Medical Center, School of Radiologic Technology
  • Binghamton University
  • Canisius College
  • SUNY College at County
  • Cazenovia College
  • Cornell University
  • SUNY Higher at Cortland
  • Empire State College
  • SUNY College at Fredonia
  • Hobart and William Smith Colleges
  • Ithaca College
  • Mansfield Academy
  • SUNY College at Cobleskill
  • SUNY College at Geneseo
  • SUNY College at Oneonta
  • SUNY College at Oswego
  • SUNY College at Plattsburgh
  • Portland State University
  • Syracuse University
  • University of Utah
  • Wells College
  • Western Kentucky University
  • A.S.
  • Certificate: Full general Studies

Degree Requirements


Minimum Credits for Graduation: 60 credits

ENGL100, Academic Writing I (C or better), 3 cr.
A student exempted from ENGL 100 must substitute a three-credit SUNY GEN ED canonical course. The form should be selected in consultation with the pupil's advisor.
Schedule: Sp, Su, Fa, Wi
Choose ane course from the courses listed beneath:
ENGL201, Public Speaking, three cr.
Schedule: Sp, Su, Fa, Wi
ENGL204, Interpersonal Communication, 3 cr.
Schedule: Sp, Su, Fa, Wi

SUNY GEN ED Restricted Humanities Elective

Select 1 course from the list beneath:
Select from category 7-Humanities, viii-The Arts
nine-Foreign Language.

ART101, Art History: Aboriginal to Early Medieval, three cr.
ART102, History and Appreciation of Art II, 3 cr.
ART109, Introduction to Graphic Pattern, three cr.
ART110, Design I, iii cr.
ART111, Photography I, 3 cr.
ART112, Photography Ii, 3 cr.
ART114, Pattern II, iii cr.
ART115, Painting I, 3 cr.
ART120, Cartoon I, 3 cr.
ART122, Drawing II, 3 cr.
ART130, Ceramics, 3 cr.
ART131, Ceramics II, 3 cr.
ART180, Typography, 3 cr.
ART200, Illustration, three cr.
ART270, Reckoner Graphics, 3 cr.
ART271, Estimator Graphics II, 3 cr.
CRJU217, Ethics in Criminal Justice, 3 cr.
ENGL105, Kickoff Interim, 3 cr.
ENGL200, Screenwriting, 3 cr.
ENGL205, American Literature I, three cr.
ENGL206, American Literature II, 3 cr.
ENGL208, Introduction to Native American Literature, 3 cr.
ENGL212, Fiction Writing, three cr.
ENGL215, Curt Fiction, 3 cr.
ENGL220, Literature for Children, 3 cr.
ENGL225, Earth Literature I, 3 cr.
ENGL226, Globe Literature 2, 3 cr.
ENGL227, Fundamentals of Creative Writing, 3 cr.
ENGL229, Introduction to Poetry, iii cr.
ENGL233, Film Analysis, three cr.
ENGL245, Survey of British Literature I, 3 cr.
ENGL246, Survey of British Literature Two, 3 cr.
ENGL248, Contemporary Women Writers, 3 cr.
ENGL255, Writing the Dramatic Idiot box Serial, 3 cr.
ENGL256, Playwriting, 3 cr.
ENGL258, Creative Nonfiction Writing, 3 cr.
ENGL262, Poetry Writing, 3 cr.
ENVS105, Environmental Ethics, 3 cr.
FREN101, French I, 3 cr.
FREN102, French 2, three cr.
FREN201, Intermediate French I, 3 cr.
FREN202, Intermediate French 2, three cr.
HUMN232, Introduction to World Religions, 3 cr.
MUSI101, Music Appreciation, 3 cr.
PHIL101, Introduction to Philosophy, three cr.
PHIL201, Contemporary Moral Issues, three cr.
RECR215, Recreation and the Expressive Arts, 3 cr.
RECR270, Wilderness and the American Culture, 3 cr.
SOCE258, Creative Nonfiction Writing, 3 cr.
SPAN101, Beginning Spanish I, three cr.
SPAN102, Beginning Spanish 2, three cr.
SPAN201, Intermediate Spanish I, three cr.
SPAN202, Intermediate Spanish Two, iii cr.
WGST248, Gimmicky Women Writers, 3 cr.

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SUNY GEN ED Mathematics Elective

Select 1 form from the list below:
MATH109, Statistical Literacy, 3 cr.
MATH110, Topics in Mathematics, three cr.
MATH120, College Algebra, 4 cr.
MATH122, Technical Mathematics, 3 cr.
MATH138, Precalculus Mathematics, 4 cr.
MATH200, Statistics, 3 cr.
MATH201, Calculus I, 4 cr.
MATH202, Calculus Two, 4 cr.
MATH203, Calculus III, iv cr.
MATH206, Differential Equations, iv cr.
MATH216, Discrete Mathematics, 4 cr.

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Math or Science Elective

Select a minimum of three credits from the courses listed below:
CSCI160, Informatics I, three cr.
CSCI165, Informatics Ii, iii cr.
CSCI205, Estimator Science III-Data Structures, 3 cr.
ENVS101, Introduction to Environmental Science, 3 cr.
ENVS102, Technology and the Surround, 3 cr.
ENVS116, Soil Science, 3 cr.
ENVS141, Agroecology, three cr.
ENVS202, Integrated Pest Direction, three cr.

Employ Schedule Search for electives

SUNY GEN ED Natural Sciences Lab Elective

Select 1 course from the listing beneath:
BIOL100, Man Biological science, iii cr.
BIOL101, Principles of Biology I, three cr.
BIOL102, Principles of Biological science II, 3 cr.
BIOL104, General Biology I, 4 cr.
BIOL105, General Biology Two, 4 cr.
BIOL112, Essentials of Medical Microbiology, 3 cr.
BIOL115, Field Natural History, iii cr.
BIOL116, Tropical Field Natural History, 4 cr.
BIOL119, Botany, 3 cr.
BIOL131, Principles of Homo Anatomy and Physiology I, 4 cr.
BIOL132, Principles of Human Anatomy and Physiology Two, 4 cr.
BIOL201, Human Anatomy and Physiology I, 4 cr.
BIOL202, Human Anatomy and Physiology Ii, 4 cr.
BIOL211, Ecology, iv cr.
BIOL216, Full general Microbiology, 4 cr.
CHEM101, Principles of Chemistry I, 4 cr.
CHEM102, Principles of Chemical science II, iv cr.
CHEM107, General Chemistry I, 4 cr.
CHEM108, General Chemistry II, 4 cr.
CHEM205, Organic Chemistry I, 4 cr.
CHEM206, Organic Chemistry II, 4 cr.
ENVS101, Introduction to Environmental Science, 3 cr.
ENVS116, Soil Science, 3 cr.
ENVS141, Agroecology, iii cr.
GEOL101, Introductory Geology, 3 cr.
METR101, Introductory Meteorology, 3 cr.
PHSC104, Full general Physics I, iv cr.
PHSC105, Full general Physics 2, 4 cr.
PHSC211, Physics I (Mechanics and Heat), 4 cr.
PHSC212, Physics 2 (Electricity and Magnetism), iv cr.
PHSC213, Physics III (Waves, Eyes and Modern Physics), 4 cr.

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SUNY GEN ED Restricted Other World Civilizations Elective

Select ane course from the list below:
ANTH202, Cultural Anthropology, 3 cr.
HSTY252, Native American History: Colonial Policies, 3 cr.
HSTY260, Topics in Modern Latin America, iii cr.
POSC260, Topics in Modernistic Latin America, 3 cr.
SOCE150, Play Across Cultures, 3 cr.
RECR150, Play Across Cultures, 3 cr.

Use Schedule Search for electives
Choose one form from the courses listed below:
PSYC103, Introduction to Psychology, 3 cr.
Schedule: Sp, Su, Fa, Wi
SOCI101, Introduction to Sociology, 3 cr.
Schedule: Sp, Su, Fa, Wi

Liberal Arts Elective

Select a minimum of three credits from the courses listed beneath:
ART101, Art History: Ancient to Early Medieval, 3 cr.
ART102, History and Appreciation of Art Ii, 3 cr.
ART104, History of Photography and Video, iii cr.
COMM101, Mass Media, 3 cr.
COMM225, Advice Law and Ethics, three cr.
CRJU104, Introduction to Corrections, 3 cr.
CRJU105, Introduction to Criminal Justice, three cr.
CRJU217, Ethics in Criminal Justice, three cr.
CSCI160, Informatics I, 3 cr.
CSCI165, Computer Science II, 3 cr.
CSCI205, Informatics Iii-Data Structures, three cr.
EDUC295, Foundations of Education, 3 cr.
ESL101, English as a 2nd Language I, 8 cr.
ESL103, English language equally a Second Language II, 8 cr.
ESL120, Writing and Grammar III, 4 cr.
ESL121, Reading & Vocabulary Three, four cr.
MUSI101, Music Appreciation, three cr.
MUSI108, Music Theory I, three cr.
MUSI109, Music Theory II, iii cr.
RECR150, Play Across Cultures, iii cr.
RECR270, Wilderness and the American Culture, 3 cr.

Utilize Schedule Search for electives

SUNY GEN ED Liberal Arts Elective

Select a minimum of 3 credits from the courses listed below:
ANTH201, Introduction to Anthropology, 3 cr.
ANTH202, Cultural Anthropology, 3 cr.
ANTH220, Dev Anthropology in a Globalizing World, 3 cr.
ANTH260, Culture Survey for Study Abroad, iii cr.
ANTH295, Global Seminar, three cr.
ARAB101, Arabic I, 3 cr.
ARAB102, Arabic II, 3 cr.
ART101, Fine art History: Aboriginal to Early on Medieval, 3 cr.
ART102, History and Appreciation of Art II, three cr.
ASL101, Beginning American Sign Linguistic communication I, 3 cr.
ASL102, Outset American Sign Linguistic communication Ii, 3 cr.
ASTR101, Introductory Astronomy, iii cr.
BIOL100, Human Biology, 3 cr.
BIOL101, Principles of Biology I, three cr.
BIOL102, Principles of Biology II, 3 cr.
BIOL104, General Biology I, iv cr.
BIOL105, General Biology II, 4 cr.
BIOL112, Essentials of Medical Microbiology, 3 cr.
BIOL114, Essentials of Diet, three cr.
BIOL115, Field Natural History, 3 cr.
BIOL116, Tropical Field Natural History, iv cr.
BIOL125, Biology and Earth Scientific discipline for Teachers, four cr.
BIOL131, Principles of Human being Anatomy and Physiology I, 4 cr.
BIOL132, Principles of Human Beefcake and Physiology 2, 4 cr.
BIOL201, Human Beefcake and Physiology I, 4 cr.
BIOL202, Human Beefcake and Physiology Two, 4 cr.
BIOL211, Ecology, 4 cr.
BIOL216, Full general Microbiology, 4 cr.
CHEM101, Principles of Chemical science I, 4 cr.
CHEM102, Principles of Chemistry II, 4 cr.
CHEM107, General Chemistry I, 4 cr.
CHEM108, General Chemical science II, 4 cr.
CHEM205, Organic Chemistry I, 4 cr.
CHEM206, Organic Chemistry Two, 4 cr.
CHIN101, Standard mandarin Chinese I, three cr.
CHIN102, Mandarin Chinese II, 3 cr.
COMM101, Mass Media, iii cr.
CRJU217, Ethics in Criminal Justice, 3 cr.
ECON101, Introduction to Economics, three cr.
ECON120, Principles of Microeconomics, iii cr.
ECON121, Principles of Macroeconomics, three cr.
ENGL103, Study Writing, 3 cr.
ENGL200, Screenwriting, 3 cr.
ENGL205, American Literature I, 3 cr.
ENGL206, American Literature II, iii cr.
ENGL208, Introduction to Native American Literature, 3 cr.
ENGL212, Fiction Writing, 3 cr.
ENGL215, Brusk Fiction, three cr.
ENGL220, Literature for Children, 3 cr.
ENGL225, World Literature I, iii cr.
ENGL226, World Literature Ii, 3 cr.
ENGL227, Fundamentals of Creative Writing, 3 cr.
ENGL229, Introduction to Poetry, 3 cr.
ENGL233, Film Analysis, 3 cr.
ENGL245, Survey of British Literature I, 3 cr.
ENGL246, Survey of British Literature II, three cr.
ENGL248, Contemporary Women Writers, 3 cr.
ENGL255, Writing the Dramatic Television Series, 3 cr.
ENGL256, Playwriting, 3 cr.
ENGL258, Creative Nonfiction Writing, 3 cr.
ENGL262, Poetry Writing, three cr.
ENVS101, Introduction to Environmental Science, three cr.
ENVS102, Engineering science and the Environment, 3 cr.
ENVS105, Environmental Ethics, 3 cr.
ENVS107, Economy, Guild & Environment, 3 cr.
ENVS108, Environmental Psychology, 3 cr.
ENVS116, Soil Science, 3 cr.
ENVS141, Agricultural ecology, 3 cr.
ENVS202, Integrated Pest Management, iii cr.
ENVS295, Global Seminar, 3 cr.
FREN101, French I, 3 cr.
FREN102, French II, 3 cr.
FREN201, Intermediate French I, 3 cr.
FREN202, Intermediate French Ii, 3 cr.
GEOG120, World Regional Geography, three cr.
GEOL101, Introductory Geology, three cr.
GEOL125, Biological science and Earth Science for Teachers, 4 cr.
GERM101, Beginning German I, iii cr.
GERM102, Start German language Two, 3 cr.
HSTY101, Development of the Western Tradition I, 3 cr.
HSTY102, Development of the Western Tradition II, 3 cr.
HSTY110, Globe History to 1500, iii cr.
HSTY111, World History Since 1500, 3 cr.
HSTY201, American History to 1877, 3 cr.
HSTY202, American History Since 1877, 3 cr.
HSTY225, African American History, 3 cr.
HSTY233, Women in U.S. History, 3 cr.
HSTY235, Medieval Europe 500-1500, 3 cr.
HSTY245, Topics in Mod Asia, 3 cr.
HSTY252, Native American History: Colonial Policies, 3 cr.
HSTY255, Labor History, iii cr.
HSTY260, Topics in Modernistic Latin America, three cr.
HUMN232, Introduction to World Religions, 3 cr.
IED260, Civilization Survey for Study Abroad, 3 cr.
ITAL101, Italian I, 3 cr.
ITAL102, Italian Two, 3 cr.
MATH109, Statistical Literacy, three cr.
MATH110, Topics in Mathematics, iii cr.
MATH115, Mathematics for Uncomplicated School Teachers Two, 3 cr.
MATH120, Higher Algebra, 4 cr.
MATH122, Technical Mathematics, 3 cr.
MATH138, Precalculus Mathematics, iv cr.
MATH200, Statistics, three cr.
MATH201, Calculus I, 4 cr.
MATH202, Calculus II, 4 cr.
MATH203, Calculus III, 4 cr.
MATH206, Differential Equations, 4 cr.
MATH216, Discrete Mathematics, 4 cr.
METR101, Introductory Meteorology, three cr.
MUSI101, Music Appreciation, 3 cr.
PHIL101, Introduction to Philosophy, iii cr.
PHIL201, Gimmicky Moral Problems, 3 cr.
PHSC104, General Physics I, four cr.
PHSC105, General Physics Ii, 4 cr.
PHSC211, Physics I (Mechanics and Estrus), 4 cr.
PHSC212, Physics II (Electricity and Magnetism), iv cr.
PHSC213, Physics III (Waves, Optics and Modernistic Physics), 4 cr.
POSC103, American National Regime, 3 cr.
POSC104, American State and Local Government, three cr.
POSC107, Economic system, Gild & Environs, 3 cr.
POSC245, Topics in Modernistic Asia, 3 cr.
POSC260, Topics in Modernistic Latin America, three cr.
PSYC101, Psychology of Personal Growth, 3 cr.
PSYC103, Introduction to Psychology, 3 cr.
PSYC108, Environmental Psychology, three cr.
PSYC201, Social Psychology, 3 cr.
PSYC205, Childhood Psychology, 3 cr.
PSYC207, Boyish Psychology, 3 cr.
PSYC208, Adult Psychology, 3 cr.
PSYC209, Aberrant Psychology, 3 cr.
PSYC218, Educational Psychology, 3 cr.
PSYC263, Development Across the Lifespan, 3 cr.
RECR150, Play Across Cultures, 3 cr.
RECR270, Wilderness and the American Culture, iii cr.
RUSN101, Russian I, 3 cr.
RUSN102, Russian II, 3 cr.
SOCE150, Play Beyond Cultures, 3 cr.
SOCE201, Human Sexuality, three cr.
SOCE205, Organizational Behavior, 3 cr.
SOCE258, Creative Nonfiction Writing, 3 cr.
SOCI101, Introduction to Folklore, iii cr.
SOCI201, Folklore of the Family, 3 cr.
SOCI203, Sociology of Race, Power, and Privilege, 3 cr.
SOCI205, Gimmicky Social Problems, 3 cr.
SOCI206, Juvenile Delinquency, three cr.
SOCI207, Introduction to Criminology, 3 cr.
SOCI220, Dev Anthropology in a Globalizing World, 3 cr.
SPAN101, Beginning Castilian I, iii cr.
SPAN102, First Spanish Ii, 3 cr.
SPAN201, Intermediate Spanish I, 3 cr.
SPAN202, Intermediate Spanish II, 3 cr.
WGST233, Women in U.S. History, 3 cr.
WGST248, Contemporary Women Writers, three cr.

Utilize Schedule Search for electives

Unrestricted Electives

Select a minimum of 21 credits from the courses listed beneath:
FSS 131, Self and World, and PSED 160, Career Exploration,
are recommended for students who are undecided
virtually their major/career path.


Utilize Schedule Search for electives

SUNY Full general Education & Tompkins Cortland Liberal Arts courses

Note: The @ symbol represents any course number or bailiwick. For example, BIOL @ means any course with a Biology form prefix. An @ alone means one course in whatsoever course field of study with whatever class number.

Degree Requirements

Certificate: General Studies

Minimum Credits for Graduation: 30 credits

English Electives

Select a minimum of half dozen credits from the courses listed below:
While ENGL 100 & 101 are non required, they may exist pre-requisites for
one or more of the program courses.


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Humanities Elective

Select a minimum of iii credits from the courses listed below:
ART101, Fine art History: Ancient to Early on Medieval, three cr.
ART102, Art History: Renaissance to Contemporary, three cr.
ART104, History of Photography and Video, three cr.
CRJU217, Ideals in Criminal Justice, iii cr.
ENVS105, Environmental Ethics, 3 cr.
ENVS112, Food Sys Three: Identity, Ideals, Civilisation, 3 cr.
ESL101, English equally a Second Linguistic communication I, 8 cr.
ESL103, English every bit a Second Language Ii, viii cr.
ESL120, Writing and Grammar III, 4 cr.
ESL121, Reading & Vocabulary Three, 4 cr.
MUSI101, Music Appreciation, 3 cr.
MUSI108, Music Theory I, 3 cr.
MUSI109, Music Theory II, 3 cr.
SOCE258, Creative Nonfiction Writing, 3 cr.
WGST248, Contemporary Women Writers, 3 cr.

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Math/Scientific discipline Electives

Select a minimum of half-dozen credits from the courses listed beneath:
ENVS101, Introduction to Ecology Science, iii cr.
ENVS102, Engineering and the Surround, 3 cr.
ENVS116, Soil Scientific discipline, 3 cr.
ENVS141, Agroecology, three cr.
ENVS202, Integrated Pest Direction, 3 cr.

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Social Scientific discipline Electives

Select a minimum of six credits from the courses listed below:
COMM101, Mass Media, 3 cr.
COMM225, Advice Law and Ethics, 3 cr.
CRJU104, Introduction to Corrections, 3 cr.
CRJU105, Introduction to Criminal Justice, iii cr.
EDUC295, Foundations of Education, 3 cr.
ENVS107, Economy, Society & Environment, three cr.
ENVS108, Environmental Psychology, iii cr.
ENVS110, Food Systems I: Intro U.S. Nutrient Organisation, 3 cr.
ENVS111, Food System II: Food Movements, iii cr.
ENVS295H, Global Seminar-Honor, 3 cr.
RECR150, Play Across Cultures, three cr.

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Unrestricted Electives

Select a minimum of nine credits from the courses listed below:
Up to 3 FITN credits may be used toward the Unrestricted Electives


Use Schedule Search for electives

SUNY Full general Education & Tompkins Cortland Liberal Arts courses

Annotation: The @ symbol represents whatever course number or field of study. For instance, BIOL @ means whatever course with a Biology course prefix. An @ lone means ane course in any form subject field with any grade number.

Student Showcase


Source: https://www.tompkinscortland.edu/academics/programs/liberal-arts-and-sciences-general-studies

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