You Can Try to Run Away but You Know the Ghosts Will Stay and

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The world of spirits and phantoms is available to you. Knowing the correct methods of borer into the other side with a Ouija board, with recording technology, or by various other methods, can allow y'all to communicate freely and openly with the dead. It can be a thrilling and terrifying feel. The door is there. Are you brave enough to open it? See Pace one for more information.

  1. i

    Acquire or create a Ouija lath . Also known as a spirit board, the Ouija board is basically just a flat surface with all the letters of the alphabet, the numbers ane to 9 but instead of a 10 ,write a 0, Yep/No, and "Adieu" written on it.

    • You'll likewise demand what'south called a "planchette," or some kind of movable indicator to apply to point to the letters. A shot-drinking glass is a common substitute, but any talisman you can all put your hands on to indicate the messages would be appropriate.
    • There's zip magical about the Ouija board itself, so you should feel free to create your own on simple paper, or purchase a more stylish 1 if you like.
  2. 2

    Get a group of willing participants, or at least partner. You demand more than one person to operate the Ouija board. It's best to have a relatively minor grouping of people with a legitimate involvement in communicating with the spirit world.

    • Designate one person and 1 person simply to exist the medium. This person will ask the questions aloud and exist the one who is specifically communicating with the ghost, though both (or all) of you will have your hands on the planchette.
    • It might also exist helpful to take at to the lowest degree one other person nowadays to tape the communications. If it gets moving very rapidly, it can be difficult to continue up with the ghost'south spelling. Having someone write it down will make sure you can go on up.


  3. three

    Fix the mood. Go into a quiet and comfortable part of the house in which you lot're communicating at an advisable hour. Light the room softly with candles and consider cleansing it by burning sage or performing a brief cleansing prayer or other ritual appropriate to your beliefs.

    • The spirit world is nigh active between 9pm and 6am, and then you might consider staging your communication during those hours, or another time of particular significance.
    • In some cultures, setting out a pocket-sized amount of booze as an offering to the spirits can exist helpful in alluring them.
  4. 4

    Invoke the spirits by request a question. Place your fingers gently on the planchette in a primal location on the lath. Normally the letter "G" is a good starting place, equidistant from all points. More often than not, a good opening question would be something like: "Are in that location any benevolent spirits present who would like to communicate?"

    • Introduce yourselves and clarify your intentions. Say your names aloud and reassure any spirits of your marvel and kind intentions: "We want to listen to what you have to say."
  5. 5

    Focus your free energy on the advice.

    • Some Ouija board users similar to close their eyes, both as a way of focusing their energy on communicating and sensing the spirits present, likewise as to ensure that none of the participants are "cheating" the lath by moving information technology and spelling out the answers that another party wants to hear.
    • In general, "cheating the board" by moving the planchette on purpose is a big taboo and extremely disrespectful to both the other users and the spirits who may or may not exist present.
  6. half-dozen

    Be patient and be polite. After making your question known and introducing yourselves, sit and wait. You might attempt asking different questions, but know that the spirit globe has no obligation to communicate with yous, and it might accept a while.

    • If and when the planchette starts to move, remain calm and take the recorder showtime writing down the letters.
    • Treat it similar a normal chat. Ask follow up questions that you're legitimately curious well-nigh. Don't treat it like something the spirit needs to "prove" to you, forcing them to answer specific trivia questions or other "test" types of questions. Care for it like a person is present. Be polite and exist courteous.
  7. 7

    End the conversation when it becomes appropriate. Y'all tin move the planchette yourself over to the "Cheerio" section of the board to signal that you've chosen to terminate the conversation, but information technology'south besides best to say a few words aloud: "Thank y'all for taking time to speak with us. Bye for now."

    • Close the board and put it away when you're finished, to ensure communication will be cut off.


  1. 1

    Get a good quality audio recorder. The basic principle of recording EVP is that you tape yourself request questions much equally you would when using a Ouija board, and then mind back for sound cues that the spirits were answering out loud. It tin can exist an intense experience to listen dorsum over these sessions.

    • The H1 Zoom mic is a professional person-quality handheld recorder that musicians and other people want to use to tape spontaneous audio that sounds clear and clean. Cellphone recorders are too skillful for this kind of recording.
    • You want to make certain you can turn upwards the recording sensitivity to a very high level. EVP works best when information technology records things that are sub-aural for us to hear in the moment, catching things we might miss when we're present. A recorder that has an ultra-sensitive recording setting would be platonic.
  2. two

    Become to the right surround. Finding a place with a lot of psychic residue would be a good candidate for trying to record EVP. Newer buildings and locations similar shopping malls or housing developments will be less valuable for this activity, because they only don't have the kind of history that an old church, hospital, or library has.

    • If you live in a house that's more than l years erstwhile, give it a shot. If y'all don't it might be worth trying to concur an EVP session elsewhere.
  3. 3

    Start recording and clarify your intentions. You lot should go through the same sort of process you might go through whatsoever time yous attempt to connect to the bully across: eliminate whatsoever distracts, unplug the clocks, make it equally quiet as possible to go the highest-quality recording you can get. After you hit tape, start talking:

    • "Is at that place whatsoever benevolent spirit here who might be interested in talking?"
  4. four

    Ask a series of questions. If you know annihilation about item hauntings in the area you're researching, or annihilation about the history of the area, yous might try asking specific questions or more than general questions of the spiritual world that you lot're trying to make it touch with. Yous might try request:

    • "What practise you want?"
    • "Why are you here?"
    • "What would you like united states of america to know?"
    • "Who are yous?"
    • "Is there anything we tin can exercise for you?"
  5. 5

    Pay close attention to other forms of communication you may be experiencing. While yous're in the center of recording, effort to pay attending to any sensations you might exist experiencing, emotional or physical. Make notation of them in the recording itself for comparing later on. Pay item attention to:

    • Common cold and warm spots
    • Tingles or prickles on the back of your neck
    • Feelings of apprehension
    • Any sounds or whispers y'all hear
  6. vi

    Listen closely to the recording afterward. Go out the location past closing the conversation equally you lot would any fourth dimension you're communicating, with a brief salutation and thank you. Leave the location immediately and go to either a comfortable location or back to your house. Plough the lights back on and brand information technology comfortable and every bit un-chilling as possible to listen.

    • Plow upward the silent parts as loud every bit they'll go and listen closely. If you can wait at the recording on the computer, pay attention to any spikes you encounter to know where to look more closely. Isolate those places in the recording and try to decipher what they say.


  1. one

    Try channeling with an experienced medium. If you lot want to take your communications to the next level, it's possible to visit an experienced medium and undergo a channeling session, in which one of the group (probably the medium) allows themselves to be "inhabited" by the spirit during hypnosis, who and then talks to the group.

    • Depending on the medium you lot visit, the communication may involve writing, speaking, or other forms of communication.
    • It's very of import that yous visit someone experienced in the matters of afterlife advice. Practice not effort this solitary.
  2. 2

    Try scrying. Scrying refers to whatever basic method of using a substance or an object to communicate with the other world. Virtually often, this means crystals, candles, smoke, stones, basic, or glass. Like channeling, scrying is virtually oft constructive when done with an accomplished and experienced medium who maintains frequent contact with the spiritual realm. It's difficult to know how to "read" smoke, for instance, and might be somewhat unsafe to attempt.[i]

  3. 3

    Endeavour mirror gazing. Many famous kids' games revolve around the legend of Bloody Mary, in which you shut yourself in the dark bath and invite Encarmine Mary to appear in the mirror. Staring deep into a mirror and attempting to communicate with the spiritual globe later cleansing the area and creating a safe, chivalrous space for the spirits to gather can be an intense and mystical experience.

  4. iv

    Utilise your automobile to communicate. In may places, especially the American South, legends revolve around the use of cars parked in specific locations in neutral, allowing spirits to "push" the car to let their presence be known. In some such legends, the driver is instructed to go to a particular location at midnight and put baby powder or flour on the bumper of the car, to prove the handprints of the dead who pushed information technology.

    • If there's such a legend in your area, try it out. Bulldoze to the item place, bridge, or crossroad and impale your auto. Put information technology in neutral and invite the ghost or the spirit to give you a push. See what happens.


  1. 1

    Never attempt to communicate with ghosts alone. No matter what yous believe, information technology's best for your spiritual well-existence and your psychological health to take other people nowadays who are interested in participating. Information technology's not something to fool effectually with.

    • It's best if you lot permit more than experienced communicators and mediums show y'all the ropes. Wandering into a conversation with evil spirits is something no one wants to experience.
  2. 2

    Proceed your intentions and your thoughts pure. Make your intentions known by speaking them aloud and only try to communicate if yous're coming from a place of legitimate curiosity and kindness in your heart. Doing a Ouija session as a joke to impress your friends is a good fashion to attract mean spirits to your house. They might not want to go out.

  3. iii

    Always exist polite and calm while communicating. Take some time to centre yourself and calm your thoughts any time y'all hope to communicate. The feel will be much more intense and singular if you can focus on the chore at hand and pay attention to your surroundings without lark. Turn off the spooky music and close the shades, take the cell phone battery out of your phone, and turn off the computer. It's time for other concerns.

  4. iv

    End the communication appropriately. Never permit a chat hang without making it articulate that you lot are going dorsum to your globe and encouraging the spirit to get dorsum to their world. Professional person mediums and ghost hunters take this step very seriously, peculiarly if they're in a domestic infinite and they want to remain prophylactic from poltergeist activeness. If you're smart, y'all'll do the aforementioned.


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  • Question

    If we get-go getting scared of the ghost then what should we exercise ?

    Community Answer

    Say "Cheers for your time, we have to get out now." So go out the area with a blank mind, having the intention only of getting on with your daily chores so that you're neither scared nor arrogant.

  • Question

    What practise I do if the ghost says "get away"?

    Community Answer

    If they say "go away," they are manifestly not appreciating your presence. If something similar this happens, just politely apologize and end the conversation. Remember you didn't end the conversation because yous were afraid, you lot simply did information technology to be respectful.

  • Question

    Tin I be able to make friends with a ghost or spirit?

    Community Answer

    If the ghost/spirit/demon is not causing you physical or mental impairment, and is interim like a friend would, sure!

  • Question

    How do I know if the ghost has left the expanse, or if it is in my house even so?

    Community Answer

    Enquire the ghost if it is still present and be observant. Even so, don't exist fooled by your senses -- if y'all're tired, anxious, worried, gullible, fearful, intellectually lazy or merely enjoy being scared, annihilation and everything could be a "sign" of a ghost in the house. Exist on your baby-sit.

  • Question

    How will you be able to see spirits?

    Community Answer

    It depends, some ghosts appear totally clear, others may be a black cloud floating effectually. Sometimes you can just see the outline of a person. If you see a ghost don't be afraid endeavour to communicate with information technology. Ghosts are only spirits with unfinished business concern

  • Question

    What if you practise it alone, only you lot're not scared?

    Community Answer

    Do not effort this alone if y'all are inexperienced. Being lonely could make y'all appear vulnerable to negative spirits. Not something you want.

  • Question

    How tin I communicate with my expressionless granddad?

    Community Answer

    Try going to a place he loved. Take out your phone and plow on the phonation recorder. Speak to your grandad, enquire him questions, and pause afterwards, giving him time to answer. When y'all're finished, play back the recording.

  • Question

    What's the easiest way to talk to a spirit or ghost?

    Community Answer

    Accept the intention to talk and the ghost will know. Call back about it and volition it to happen.

  • Question

    How can I get a ghost to answer me?

    Community Answer

    It depends on the way you are trying to contact it. If you are doing information technology through a ouija lath, ask "spirits are you here with us?". Keep saying this at a normal speed, and stay concentrated and calm. A spirit will eventually start talking to you lot.

  • Question

    How practice I make sure that I end the connection with the ghost?

    Community Answer

    But say a bye or a prayer. If the ghost doesn't go away and/or is too aggressive, try pouring salt out.

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  • Don't be afraid to talk to them.

  • Don't run away from them.

  • Just listen to your spine, you can feel more than things and so others.

  • Take something or wearable something that dangles.

  • Never do these alone. If you decide to communicate in any fashion or give invitation it is best to stay polite and to ask for peaceful and ions spirits as this opens a practise it so to speak for proficient and evil spirits. Ask the skillful spirits for guidance and protection and command the malevolent energies to flee. Never forget to say goodbye or fifty-fifty gift the kind spirits with flowers or toys. And always say goodbye to prevent hazard of followers.

Thanks for submitting a tip for review!


  • Do non exist hateful, spirits were once people too.

  • Absolutely practise not practice this alone!

  • When Using a Ouija board, be very careful. Some people believe there are dangers involved in reaching out to spirits this fashion.


Things You'll Need

  • Friends
  • Common cold room
  • Ouija Board
  • EVP
  • Ghost Box

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Article Summary Ten

If yous want to try to talk to ghosts, try using a Ouija board. Find a serenity place to set up the board, and light a candle, so place the planchette, or indicator, on the board. Have at least 2 people lightly place 1 finger on the planchette, then inquire if there are any spirits who would like to communicate. If in that location are spirits present, you lot volition experience the planchette move under your fingers, and it should spell out the answers to your questions. Do non movement the planchette yourself, as this is considered adulterous. For tips on recording EVPs to hear what a ghost has to say, keep reading!

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